The best way to describe me is as someone who follows Jesus Christ and strives to abide in his will to do all he intends to do through me.

Yes, I am a Christian, but yet, I don’t consider myself religious.

If we think about someone as being “religious” we tend to think (well at least I) that he needs to attend church services, work for the church, and pray at a given time for the sake of being religious because we’re a Christian, or because we’re Buddhists, etc.

But having a fellowship with Jesus Christ is not performing “rituals”, it’s more like having a person-to-person relationship with another person with a different personality. Prayer is a medium where we communicate with God, and align our thoughts and heart with His. Surrendering our own thoughts to his thoughts.

Many people ask, how do you know if the thoughts are not yours?

The easiest answer would be, God’s thoughts are always aligned with the Bible. In my mind, I can think of one thing but when there is a small nudge that points me in a different direction my discernment tells me this is the holy spirit leading me in another direction, giving me a sense of restraint, or sometimes the push I need.

Anyways, I figured I would talk about who I believe Jesus Christ is, to help the readers know where everything about myself is coming from. I’m by no means perfect and will make mistakes in discerning his voice, but I will always stay true to his word and his correction if they come.


What does it mean to be a Christ follower in this day and age?

The truth never changes, and the purpose remains the same for all Christ’s followers whether they lived in the 1st century or the 21st century, and that is to make disciples from all over the world.

Now does that mean you have to be a preacher or a pastor?

No, the best way to persuade people into believing Jesus is to live out your life the way God designed your life. God has a plan for everyone, and we glorify God the most while we remain in him and live life as he had created us to be.

And I believe my vocation is in business. To create a thriving business that serves the community with its services and products, while providing jobs for people where they’re satisfied, happy, and hopeful as everyone works together on a mission that’s greater than themselves, while the ultimate goal of bringing people to Jesus Christ remains the same.

This is my journey as I find out what he wants through the business.

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Who am I?

The best way to describe me is as someone who follows Jesus Christ and strives to abide in his will

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